Episode 56 – Assyria 3 Obscure Struggles in Assyria

Assyria is deep in a dark age following the fall of Babylon. Struggling to hold on and fighting over its identity, the Assyrians didn’t appear to have a whole lot of time for writing stuff down. And so we are going to zoom through from 1740 to the mid 1400’s BCE, some three hundred years or so, through some of the vaguest and poorly documented periods that we have encountered so far. It is an important time for defining Assyria’s later culture, which makes it all the more tragic that we have so little to say here. Still, I will say what I can because it is important that we keep abreast of developments in this little town. Seriously, now. This may be my most speculative episode yet, and everything from the timeline to the interpretations are subject to change as more evidence gets dug up. But if I had to bet on all the various interpretations, the one I have presented seems most likely.

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